Vibrating Ball Mill side view
Vibrating Ball Mill side view
Ball & Rod Mills Milling

Vibratory Ball Mill


Vibratory Ball Mill ensures fast and efficient grinding of materials by shaking two Ø40×40 mm mill tubes with a three-dimensional vibration movement. This device, which is frequently used in analysis and sample preparation processes in laboratories, offers precise and safe grinding processes.

  • Vibration Frequency: 25 Hz
  • Grinding Mechanism: Provides fast and homogeneous grinding with three-dimensional vibration movement.


Fields of Application Recycling and waste recovery, chemistry, plastics and polymers, biotechnology, environmental management, food, pharmaceuticals and medical
Application very fine grinding, size reduction
Standards CE
Feeding Size < 1mm
Final Fineness < 5 μm*
Timer Setting Available.
Material of Grinding Parts Stainless Steel, Zirconium
Speed 25 Hz
Power and Electricity 0.75kW, 380 V, 3p, 50 Hz
Compatible with various voltages.
Dimensions 65 x 65 x 45cm
Weight 75kg
*Varies by material type, feeding size, reduction ratio, and moisture.

The lid safety switch, which prevents operation when the lid is open, is designed to keep work safety at the highest level. This safety system prevents the device from operating as long as the cover is open, thus preventing any accidents from occurring. Unless the operator closes the lid, the engine of the device will not be activated and the operating process cannot be started. This feature is of critical importance for both the safety of the operator and the safe operation of the device.

Application Areas

Alloys, glass, animal feed, bones, ceramics, grains, chemical products, coal, coke, pharmaceuticals, oilseeds, ores, paper, plant materials, plastic, sewage sludge, soil, straw, tissue, hair, tobacco, waste samples, wood, wool and many other materials.

Working Principle

Vibrating mill is based on the principle of grinding the materials using three-dimensional vibration movement with the help of two grinding tubes and balls of Ø40×40 mm size.  The vibrating motion ensures that the balls constantly interact with the material, accelerating the size reduction process.

  • Placing the Material and Balls: The material to be ground is placed in the mill tubes and appropriate balls are added for the grinding process.
  • Vibration Movement: When the device is operated, the mill tubes are exposed to a three-dimensional vibration movement. This vibration creates a constant collision between the material and the balls, breaking and shrinking the material.
  • Time Adjustment: Grinding time can be adjusted according to the type of material being ground and the desired fineness.
  • Collection of the Grinded Material: When the grinding process is completed, the material is removed from the tubes and becomes ready for use for analysis or other processes. With the effect of the balls, the material is turned into a homogeneous and very fine powder.