HGI Hardgrove grindability index tester
HGI Hardgrove grindability index tester
ASTM & ISO Standard Machines

HGI Hardgrove Grindability Index Tester ASTM D409


HGI (Hardgrove Grindability Index) Tester is a test instrument designed to determine and calculate the grindability index value of coal. Manufactured in full compliance with the ASTM D409/D409M – 24 standard, this device reliably and precisely measures the grindability characteristics of coal samples.

Delivery Contents:

The device is supplied with four sieves as specified in the standard. Additionally, four standardized reference samples with verified HGI values, sourced from abroad, are provided with the device. These reference samples are used to ensure calibration accuracy and the reliability of test results.

The HGI Hardgrove Grindability Index Device is widely used in industry to assess the grindability properties of coal samples. By providing reliable test results, it offers critical data on coal processability, contributing to the optimization of production processes.


Fields of Application Coal Mining and Processing, Power Generation, Cement, Metallurgical Industry, Research and Development
Application Grindability Testing, Quality Control, Process Optimization,
Power and Electricity 0.25 kW, 220 V, 1p, 50 Hz
Compatible with various voltages.

Working Principle

The device operates on the principle of grinding a specific quantity of dry coal sample within a stationary cylindrical lower chamber. The sample is placed in contact with grinding balls positioned in the lower chamber, where a fixed force is applied vertically from the upper chamber. This setup rotates at a constant speed for a predetermined number of revolutions. The process determines the grindability index value of the coal, reflecting its ease of pulverization.